
Monday, April 28, 2014

love you, Mom

Today I am sharing one of the first cards I ever made. I made it 3 or 4 years ago for my Mom. I remember I had seen Kristina Werner make one and I cased it. (Not that I knew what casing was at the time.)

I used some Hero Arts paper and white embossed a flower image on it. The 'love you' is hand written and I embossed the 'M's. I used a heart punched out of the paper for the 'o' in Mom. (My sister could never figure out it was supposed to be the 'o'. Mom thought that was so funny.) Then I simply added the ribbon and bow along the side and did some of Kristina's signature faux stitching with a white pen.

My Mom loved this card. Of course, she loved all the ones I made for her, but I think this first one was her favorite.

Today would be her 81st birthday, and yesterday my dad would have been 81. Love you and miss you both.


  1. Pam...the picture of your Mom is so sweet. I know she must have loved this card... It is so pretty but especially because YOU made it for her. Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog. <3 Candy

  2. Thank you so much for your lovely comments, Candy. Happy Birthday to you, too. How lovely that you share the same day.

  3. So sweet Pam! Love the photo of your mom! Thanks for visiting me and showing me this lovey card!

  4. Boy does she look like a sweetheart. You used some great techniques on this pretty card. I'm sure it was a real treasure to her. Hugs!
